Ministries & Fellowship

Why We Serve

First and foremost, we serve God, each other, and our neighbors because we are grateful for what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. This is one way in which we say, “Thank you,” and it is our hope that God will be praised through our acts of service.

Furthermore, if we are to walk after Jesus, we need to imitate his ministry here on earth, where he fed the hungry, healed the sick, comforted the sorrowing, had compassion on the poor, supported the widows and orphans, ministered to those in prison, shared meals with the social outcasts of his day, and worked for justice for the oppressed. In short, since Jesus came to serve us, we want to model Jesus by serving others.

Why We Fellowship

We believe fellowship is an important act within the life of the church. It provides communion with other believers in order to encourage one another’s walk with the Lord.

Having fellowship within the church is Biblical as seen in Acts 2:42 where the early church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.”

We believe fellowship within the church can serve three purposes:

  1. It allows for Christian relationships to be formed so that we can love others by caring for the spiritual and physical needs of each other.
  2. It allows for trust to be built between members so that we can share our joys, problems, and concerns.
  3. Christian fellowship is a conduit in bringing people from the community into the life of the church.

Our annual church picnic at Teusink's Pony Farm (Photo Credit: Livie Van Appledorn)