Our Denomination

We are a part of a denomination called the Christian Reformed Church.

The word Reformed comes from the Protestant Reformation, which swept across Europe in the 1500's under the leadership of such men as Martin Luther and John Calvin. Calvin's Reformation spread to many countries including Scotland, where it became the Presbyterian church, and Holland, where it became our ancestor, the Dutch Reformed Church.

To learn more about the history and ministry of the Christian Reformed Church, please visit the following website: www.crcna.org.

Our Classis

A “Classis” refers to a group of congregations that are all a part of the Christian Reformed Church and are all in the same geographical region. Maranatha thus belongs to Classis Holland along with roughly 30 other Christian Reformed congregations. These “Classes” allow congregations to face and sort through shared concerns and issues together, provide opportunities for congregations to encourage each other’s ministries, and provide opportunities for congregations to serve together. To learn more about the congregations and work of Classis Holland, please visit the following website: www.classisholland.org.