It is our privilege to celebrate the Lord’s Supper several times a year. In doing so, we remember Jesus’ finished work on the cross which accomplished for us the forgiveness of sins. Furthermore, we remember the supremacy of God’s power over the forces of evil, our union with Christ and with each other through the Holy Spirit, and our hope for Jesus’ return.

As we come to the table of our Lord, we welcome all who are baptized [this includes children - see note below], who trust in Jesus as their Savior and Lord, and who regularly partake of the Lord’s Supper in their home congregations to participate with us.

Following the decision made at Synod 2011, when it was decided that baptized children with “age- and ability-appropriate faith” are welcome to come to the table of our Lord, Maranatha adopted this change, recognizing that it is one’s baptism which signifies membership into the covenant community and the Lord’s Supper is for the covenant community. For more resources on talking with kids about nurturing their faith through participation in the Lord’s Supper, see Welcoming Children to the Lord’s Supper Toolkit. Another helpful hands-on resource is a book titled “You’re Invited: A Week of Family Devotions on the Lord’s Supper”. You can find it here.

In order to allow all to partake in this sacrament, gluten-free bread is available whenever we serve communion.